What are our clients saying about EDF-X?
“What would have taken my team an hour to get risk insights for a private firm is now taking us less than a minute with the new EDF-X workflow. It has superseded my expectations. It is saving my team valuable time and shaping the way in which we review our portfolio. The optimization search tool is quick and efficient, the site is easy to navigate and the enhancements which identify early warning triggers are a game changer.”
- Risk Manager from a global technology and electronics conglomerate

“Extensive company coverage and analytics like screening and reporting will be a game changer for our prospecting efforts.”
- Small US solar energy developer, owner & operator

“Outdated financial statements was a major obstacle for us. The timeliness EDF-X brings will help us evaluate our portfolio risk with better accuracy.”
- Large European Investment bank

“Not having to log into multiple platforms helps my team work more efficiently. We can now manage private and public companies together.”
- Medium US Insurer

“We’re impressed with the early warning framework. Our current internal system is based on market observable metrics, and we realize we need to go beyond that. The new early warning signal will be a much-needed addition.”
- Large European Bank

“We are not in the credit rating business. Moody’s makes our job easier because we can point to their results and let tax authorities know that this implied credit rating came from a reputable firm that specializes in credit risk assessment.”
- Manager, Transfer Pricing Practice