Gain relevant credit risk insights at the right time
EDF-X offers actionable insights throughout the entire credit lifecycle by providing a comprehensive risk view for a company, portfolio, peers, and industry. It also allows you to run multiple macroeconomic scenarios and what-if analysis at each level.Market Analysis
& Prospecting
Pre-Qualify by
Running Potential
Scale with
Origination Practices
Monitor all your
Exposures for
Calculate Expected
Credit Losses for
CECL / Stress Testing
Revolutionizing early detection of risk
With the possibility of a global recession looming and rising corporate default risk, early warning signals are more important now than ever. EDF-X takes credit risk signals to the next level by pre-calculating risk insights for any company in the world without tedious modeling decisions or manual inputs based on the best data available.
EDF-X helps determine which exposures you should worry about and when. It will provide comprehensive company risk capabilities, including:
Early Warning Signal
Probability of Default
Implied Ratings
Underlying Data and Risk Drivers
Confidence Indicators
Company News and Sentiment
Coming SoonCustomized Alerts
Coming SoonWhat-If Analysis
Coming SoonEDF-X Early Warning Signal captured the firm’s surging credit risk 3+ years in advance.
We go beyond company-level insights
Deeper peer insights give the 10,000-foot view of risk.The firm has been in line/or above the 75th percentile since 2019, among the industry’s riskiest firms today.
The Early Warning Signal identified 31 companies to watch in the U.S. consumer durables industry– providing actionable insights on risks and opportunities for the group.
Scenario-conditioning helps prepare for potential risks
Stressed measures conditioned on macroeconomic scenarios provide an economic narrative to the company/industry’s risk.Our severe stressed scenario suggests defaults for U.S. consumer durables would likely surpass the Global Financial Crisis.